Stuff to Geek Out On – 9.28.13

With a full day of personal training in the morning, team coaching in the afternoon/nights, it is very easy for me to say that “I’m busy.” Time and energy are of the utmost importance to any one who is aiming to build something, as they are the most non-renewable sources around.

With that in mind, I’m always interested in how I can 1) Expedite a learning process (watch a DVD, chat with someone in depth about a topic, or read a blog/article/book on a specific subject). and 2) How I can make that information immediately applicable to my situation or understanding.

This series aims to do both, as I find myself geeking out on some information – but not acting on it or finding it immediately useful, and rather needing it recall on that information later on in my training career, which involves rifling through notebooks and/or blogposts for review time (Friday nights with a few brews most recently).

Dancers and the Front Line – by Monika Volkmar
Small Anatomy Trains

I just recently discovered Monika’s site through the amazingnes and vastness that is the internet, and it is refreshing to discover another coach and dancer who exemplifies the necessity to combine anatomy, dancing, and strength training as well. In this blog post she goes over the Deep Front Line (DFL) as it relates to the dancer, and as a (former) dancer myself, I just recently began digging my nose into Thomas Myers and the Anatomy Trains book and am finding it to be quite enjoyable (about as enjoyable as it can be!).

Course Notes – PRI Myokinematic Restoration – Zac Cupples

Zac goes over the information he gathered from PRI, and with myself taking this course almost over a year ago, it was interesting to review the information now that PRI is garnering more and more headspeed into the mainstream of the fitness industry. If you have any inclination towards taking the courses, or if you are interested in how the structure of the human body affects the mechanics of how we compensate as human beings, read this post.

Keep it funky.


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