Unlocking Rotational Performance – Boston Seminar (4/10/19)

My thesis of coaching, training, and performance for all humans will always be evolving. With every passing seminar, and every social gathering post-seminar, I feel as if the question of “Will method (x) help my clients get closer towards a higher level of performance?”

Discussing the first foray of athletic jumping technique for Peak Fitness.

With the help of several close contacts, several hundred pages of several different books accumulated and synthesized under my belt, along with my own in person application of this information, I’ve begun to amass a certain amount of principled information that I hope can help improve the current state of affairs as it relates to training not just youth athletes, but athletes of all ages, and also clients of all ages.

While it does sound general – I have info that can help everyone get better – it is also wildly specific. This is because the method of coaching that I have read about, used in my own experiences, along with identified as evidence-based practice is specific to each individual’s own experience in the world.

Going through the 69th iteration of “Unlocking Rotational Power”

For example, a person’s experience early on with sports specific coaches can carry cues they learned from an internal attention focus for many many years – which research has identified as having the ability to create co-contraction for an individual because it creates a reference to their body moving in space.

Another example: It may also create the false notion that there is a specific and ideal manner of moving, even if the youth athlete may be 14 years old, 5’4”, and 130lbs. It doesn’t matter because the coach wants you to move like the elite level athletes that have different leverages, have considerable different training ages, along with differences in experiences and memories as it relates to the game they play professionally.

This doesn’t take into account the fact that there are different ways to move for so many different individuals, with an almost infinite amount of movement solutions that an individual can devise on their own as it relates to a specific task in any given environment.

With this being said, the manner of coaching and the deeper layer of teaching philosophy that I am now hoping to bring to light and to your attention will address these topics and more.

If you’d like to consume more of this sort of content, here are a few links leading to these ideas.

Stay tuned to my website at (www.MiguelAragoncillo.com) for more information.

On that note, I am also hosting a seminar in person in the Greater Philadelphia area. It is going to be on improving both athletic performance, and has links towards improving rehabilitation protocols as well. There will be a practical breakout to use for your athletes and clients, along with many different methods for coaching based off evidence-based research from the motor control/motor learning, along with taking a dive into what learning really is as it relates to transfer, and performance.

Here are more details:

Unlocking Rotational Power:
Integrating Skill Acquisition into a S&C Program
with Miguel Aragoncillo, B.S., CSCS, PRT
Intended Audience:

  1. Strength Coaches
  2. Personal Trainers
  3. Physical & Massage Therapists
  4. Sports Specific Coaches
  5. Athletes

Cost: $147 (e-mail at ma@miguelaragoncillo.com for confirmation)
Students: $97
Amount of CEUs (NSCA Approved): 0.7 CEUs

Redemption Boston
107 Atlantic Ave,
Boston, MA

Sunday, March 10th – 8am to 4pm


Section 1: Unlocking Biomechanics
1. Macroscopic Ideas
– Regional Interdependence
Question: How does movement occur?
Evolution of Mobility + Stability + Task Specificity
  • Assessment / Case Study
2. Microscopic Detail
– Rib Articulations on Spinal Vertebrae
– Joint Synergies
– Freezing Degrees of Freedom
  • Assessment / Case Study
Section 2: Unlocking the Sensory System
– Postural Balance – Visual, Vestibular, Somatosensory
– Peripheral Nervous System
– Sensory / Afferent Input to Deliver Motor Output
– Two Stream Hypothesis for Interpretation of Information
  • Assessment / Case Study

Break for Lunch – 12:00-12:45pm (not provided)

Section 4: Unlocking the Memory System
– What is Learning?
– Attentional Focus and Coaching Cues
– Habituation vs Sensitization
– Constraints Led Approach
– Knowledge of Results vs Feedback
  • Assessment / Example with Everyone

Section 4: Unlocking Rotational Performance
– Force Velocity Curve
– Post-Activation Potentiation
– Exercise Programming
– Volume Approach

Integration with Performance Measures
-Practical (below)

  • Assessment / Case Study
    1. Biomechanical Assessment
    2. Neurological Intervention
    3. Pragmatic Exercise Selection / Future Exercise Programming
    4. Coaching Cues

Resources & References

  1. Latash – Fundamentals of Motor Control
  2. Shumway-Cook, et al – Motor Learning: Translating Clinical Research into Practical Applications
  3. Kandel et al – Principles of Neuroscience
  4. Gabriele Wulf – Motor Learning and Attentional Focus
  5. Keith Davids, et al – Dynamics of Skill Acquisition – A Constraints Led-Approach
  6. Jia Yi Chow, Keith Davids, et al – Non-Linear Pedagogy in Skill Acquisition (an introduction)
  7. Alan Baddeley, et al – Memory


Miguel Aragoncillo is a S&C coach and skill acquisition specialist based out of Boston, MA. He has worked with professional athletes, collegiate level athletes, high school athletes, and even youth athletes. He received his Bachelor’s of Science in Kinesiology in 2010 from Temple University.

He has worked with several high level athletes, along with working with athletes to recover, and learn new skill sets all the same. Likewise, he has worked in several physical therapy locations (as a personal trainer) in order to better blend the care of patients as they recover from injury and/or surgery. Also, he has presented in several states along with assisting with anatomy continuing education courses all across the United States.

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