The Push-Up: Part 1 – Are You Doing These Common Push-Up Errors?

From when I was young, push-ups were attractive to me for a few reasons:

  1. They are easy to understand – hands on the floor, and push away from the the floor. Done.
  2. It offered quick results – do one more push-up than your previous best attempt, and you were stronger, and had more endurance. Doing rep upon rep of push-ups will definitely boost a young man’s confidence.
  3. It is easy to show off as a young’n – after learning the basics, I began to experiment and play around with the push-up and found out I was pretty decent at them!

However, despite all these awesome reasons why the push-up was the bomb growing up, it is still butchered to this day.

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Stretching Myths and Mistakes

As much as I’m interested in stretching and flexibility, I can honestly say I haven’t performed a static stretch in over 3 years – and I’m better for it.

As a society, I am under the belief that we overstretch our hamstrings and understretch our glutes and quads. Despite such a juxtaposition, I think people misinterpret what it means to stretch, and to create flexibility, and what it means to create better “positional awareness” – either through alignment or better patterned breathing.

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