What You Need to Know:
- Neutral spine is promoted. (via a long “line” from the head to the butt.)
- In order to crawl with a decent amount of weight, you need to “neutral, brace, breathe” to take a line from physical therapist, Mike Reinold.
- No implements to hold, and if the first two points are taken care of, there is limited chance that the upper traps will dominate the movement.
- This is possibly the most bad-ass name for an exercise ever.
- Locomotion can only be translated (with neutral spine and IAP) via “pulling” with the hands and “pushing” with the knees/feet.
- You will feel sore following this exercise. (For those that enjoy chasing the soreness, do this for a large distance at a time with technical proficiency.)
—- Continue reading “Core Exercises You’re Not Doing: Bear Crawls”