Mobility Exercises to Include in Your Warm-Up – 9.30.13

For starters, welcome to my new site. It is still in construction, but I’d rather welcome you and show you around my new house before I put in all the new furniture and features, so you can come back dazzled again and again. But please, leave your shoes at the front door – the wooden flooring is brand new.

So peruse around, get to know me, and feel free to drop me a line or twelve as you leave the house. Oh and don’t forget to share this [home] page with others if you enjoyed yourself.

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Mobility and Stability Exercises to Include in Your Warm-Up

If you’ve ever tried to push your big three lifts to the limit (the squat, bench, deadlift), you will have to increase your volume at some point to push past your current weights. An increase in volume with moderate to high intensity (weight) will often leave your upper back, hips, neck, and shoulders feeling restricted due to the increase in volume.

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