Updates and My Bio!

The past few weeks have been pretty crazy! And for good reason – I’ve completed my first week at Cressey Sports Performance as their newest strength coach on staff.

CSP Team

Erratic blog updates aside, it has been hectic with work-life balance being brought into question (most of the work I take upon myself, for sure).

For those that are unfamiliar with who I am, let this serve as an introduction. With that being said, here is some information that I wrote up on myself, and I figured I shall simply copy this to my “About Me” while I’m at it!

Hello there!

The idea of this blog first originated as a place to write down my experiences in the gym, and my numbers in the form of a training log, maybe in the end of 2010, early 2011. This digital space has rapidly changed from those times, along with my own experiences that I’ve had both professionally and personally.

From the time I had exemplified a clear lack of physical coordination growing up as a kid in any formal organized sports, to the present in which I am now working as a Strength Coach at Cressey Sports Performance – a lot has (obviously) happened.

Growing up, I had very little confidence. I was physically awkward – braces from the 4th to 9th grade, glasses from the 2nd grade, and the best haircut to boot.

Glasses Braces Picture

I played all the sports growing up – baseball, basketball, soccer, but I was too small to play football.

  • The last time I played baseball at any competitive level, I got hit in the mouth while fielding the ball – and I didn’t have a mouth guard in to protect me from my braces.
  • My basketball career was short-lived due to my short height – I haven’t grown in height since I was 15, and I didn’t enjoy getting stuffed by everyone who was taller than I was at the time.
  • And soccer was simply too much running for me – I didn’t feel like working that hard for a ball where I would kick it around for all of 2 seconds.

Long story short: I used to be small, uncoordinated, and relatively lazy. I didn’t feel like putting the work in. On top of this, I remember having sports coaches telling me what to do, and I wasn’t too fond of this “leadership-by-talking” instead of “leadership-by-doing” strategy.

So I did what anyone else in this situation would do – I taught myself to breakdance:

Fast forward to 2010 – I obtained a job at a medical fitness facility, but for what it is worth it was a commercial gym by and large, and I stayed here for a few years. This is where I’ve cultivated a yearning for the knowledge that served to help me later on in my current career.

Fast forward a few more years, and I can say that I’ve worked alongside several individuals throughout the years who I am happy to call as friends.

  • Brian Bott at Shore Results in Highlands, NJ
  • Kevin Neeld, Matt Siniscalchi, and Matt Sees at Endeavor Sports Performance in Pitman, NJ

Further, I’ve done a bit of writing, contributing over 30 articles on various large traffic websites such as STACK.com, BuiltLean.com, TonyGentilcore.com, along with having content featured on EricCressey.com, and Fitocracy.com to name drop a bit.

Personally, I also enjoy competing in the sport of powerlifting, with a competition best 365lb back squat, 248lb bench press, and 402.5lb deadlift for a total of 1015.5lbs in the 148lb weight class.

While at Temple University, I created an official organization for bboys and dancers to collaborate and create movement under the title “Temple Bboys”. To this day, that organization has held several events to bring awareness towards and to further unify the local Philadelphia breaking scene. I’ve been grateful enough to have presented a workshop titled “Injury Prevention Workshop for Bboys and BGirls” for the current group at Temple University, in which protocols and movement drills were presented in order to promote optimal movement patterns for further dancing.

Education, Certifications, and Other Contributions

Temple University – Bachelor’s of Science

  • Exercise and Sports Science (2010)

American College of Sports Medicine

  • Health Fitness Specialist

National Strength and Conditioning Association

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

TRX Group Suspension Training Course

  • Level 1 Group Instructor

Postural Restoration Institute

  • MyoKinematic Restoration
  • Pelvic Restoration
  • Postural Restoration
  • Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration

Functional Movement Systems

  • Selective Functional Movement Assessment (October 2014)

Online Writing, Contributions, and Hosting

  • Provide content as a contributing writer for STACK.com
  • Spoke at Virtua Center for HealthFitness conference on cardiopulmonary risks and strategies to avoiding heart issues
  • Contributed bonus product “Maximal Tension for Maximal Results” in Eric Cressey’s newest book “High Performance Handbook” (October 2013)
  • Presented a Workshop on Injury Prevention for Dancers at Temple University (November 2013)
  • Sponsored a movement assessment table for Rhythm Spotlight XI, an annual dance event at Penn State University (January 2014)

To reflect further, in these past few years, I’ve seen professional success at several levels and within different aspects of the fitness and private strength and conditioning industry. However, despite the great amount of pride of what I “look like on paper”, it is simply one facet of myself, and I take an even greater pride in how I can interact with people on a one-to-one basis.

Contact me at ma [at] miguelaragoncillo.com for any inquiries, or visit my Coaching page if you are interested in online training!

Keep it funky.


Miguel Aragoncillo

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