
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘joint position’


Foundational Coaching: Installment 5 – Discovering the Posterior Pelvic Tilt


When coaching many athletes and clients throughout the years, various off-seasons, in-seasons, along with various injuries and movement capacities (that is, whether or not someone understands how to move when given a simple cue) I have come to appreciate that not everyone understands what may be going when it comes to their own bodies. Intellectually, they might understand how to […]

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The Assessment Experiments: Installment 1


Within the fitness, strength and conditioning industry, and physical therapy realm, there has been a recent surge towards identifying what assessments are, how they can be utilized, and how they can be implemented in a practical manner in order to derive best practice for athletes, clients, and patients. From a logical standpoint, it merely makes sense – understand the standards […]

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